Arrival on Campus/Dismissal
Students are not to come to the school or be dropped off at the school before 8:15 am. each morning. Supervision is not provided for students on campus before 8:15 am. The school or the Orange County School Board cannot be held liable for any harm that may befall a student who arrives at school prior to this designated time of 8:15 am or is not picked up from school by 3:00 pm. Students are to go directly to the pavilion and wait in an orderly manner until the teacher invites them to enter the classroom at 8:40 am. Any student who is not in his/her classroom by 8:45 am will be marked as tardy. At the beginning of the school year, please discuss with your child’s teacher how you expect him/her to get home. If there is a change in your standard routine please send a note to your child’s teacher. If a note is not received by the teacher, the child will be sent home his/her regular way.
Many students at this school have the opportunity of being videotaped and/or photographed at school. Some of these tapings may eventually air on campus television and photographs may appear in newspapers or school websites. In addition, some video tapings and photographs are utilized at local, state, or national conferences or workshops.
Visitors on Campus
Due to safety concerns, parents/guardians or volunteers are required to check in through the Main Office before going to classrooms. All visitors to our campus must sign in and wear a visitor button or name tag. To protect our children, we must request your cooperation in limiting the open door policy to prearranged visits only. Visitors for lunch must also notify the teacher prior to arriving for lunch. Parents wishing to observe in classrooms must prearrange a mutually agreeable time with the teacher.
Bikes - Skateboards
Bikes may be ridden by students and parked in the assigned parking areas. This is a privilege, and if abused, the right to ride a bike may be taken away. It is recommended that bikes be locked during school hours. By law, all children riding bicycles are required to wear a bike helmet. The riding of bikes, scooters, roller blades/skates, go-carts and skateboards on school property is not permitted.
Early Dismissal
Since dismissal begins at 2:55 pm, we will not interrupt classrooms to sign students out for early dismissal after 2:30 pm. We strongly encourage parents to make appointments for after school hours. Early dismissals are very disruptive to the instructional process.
A photo ID will be required to sign a student out of school. This is for your child’s protection. Students who need to leave the campus during the school day for a dental, doctor, or other appointment will be checked out by the parent or guardian through the Main Office. No student should leave the campus for any other reason. For the safety of our children, no student is to be removed from class without the teacher’s prior knowledge. Students being checked out from the clinic must be signed out by a parent or guardian Students may be checked out ONLY by those persons authorized to do so. A photo ID will be required to sign a student out of the clinic.
Lost and Found
All articles which are found will be taken to the front office and displayed on Class Dojo. The item will be held in the office for a few days. Students are encouraged to label all personal items for easy identification. Unclaimed items are periodically dropped into our donation bin on site.
Two class parties are held each year, one before the winter break and one at the end of the year. Birthday parties for students are not appropriate at school. Individual teachers may allow parents to send a special birthday snack.